What is a Real Estate Agent?

Real Estate Agent. What is it?

Most of us are unaware of the role of the Real Estate Agent when dealing with the buying or selling of a home. At Aliseda Inmobiliaria, we explain everything you need to know about a Real Estate Agent (API) and how it can assist you.

Many names and terminologies are used in the real estate sector to refer to professionals working in it. We've heard of a broker, real estate agent, or real estate manager, among others, but do we understand the difference? Do they serve the same purpose?

Well, the real estate agent (API) is a qualified agent working in the housing market. It is the one ultimately responsible for advising, mediating, and managing operations such as buying, selling, or transferring real estate.

Additionally, the API often mediates in processes for granting mortgages, in addition to issuing reports on rental value or property transfers. Unlike other real estate figures, it is involved in everything related to the purchase and sale of properties.

Buying a home for sale is a complex matter, full of nuances that we must be 100% informed about, as there is a lot of money at stake, and no one is willing to take risks. Thus, the real estate agent is an expert in the real estate sector and is responsible for advising and managing operations for clients, providing the security that all novices seek.

Why choose a Real Estate Agent?

Why should I choose a Real Estate Agent rather than any other specialized agent?

The answer is simple and lies in the security they offer. The work and actions of real estate agents (APIs) are controlled and supervised by the General Council of Official Colleges of Real Estate Agents (COAPI) and also by the State. Additionally, this council supports its members and covers them with liability insurance. Something that will always benefit both the client who hires their services and the API itself.

Therefore, the Real Estate Agent or API is the only professional legally qualified and the only one recognized by the Spanish public administration, through an official title obtained through adequate training for the exercise of their duties.

What can a real estate agent do for you?

All APIs meet the requirements to practice real estate mediation, and among their main functions are the following:

– Advises you on the property's price, according to its market value and through the conduct of specific market studies.

– Assists you in negotiation and necessary agreements with those involved in the transactions.

– Advises you on the current complete offer that best suits your interests.

– Verifies the data of the real estate transaction, registry, cadastre, charges, and urban classification.

– Organizes and prepares the procedures, papers, and necessary documentation, as well as the deposit, the contract, and other certificates.

– Connects you with other professionals you may need.

– Assists you in obtaining mortgage loans on the best terms for you.

– Accompanies you at all times until the notarial signing.

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