Advantages of living outside the city

Many families are considering these days the way they live and, especially, the place where they live. Having access to larger spaces in which to move, to exterior windows, a balcony, a terrace or (in the best of cases) a swimming pool, is increasingly important for people who live in the city.

Due to this need, in recent months there has been an increase in interest in buying and renting country houses or chalets located in the peripheral areas of major cities such as Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia or Bilbao. According to surveys, contacts for this type of rental have increased by 14% on average. Their data confirms that Spaniards are increasingly interested in larger properties with better features that include, at a minimum, garden areas.

But, in addition to much larger space, what other advantages can we highlight about life in the suburbs? One of the most obvious is the presence of a lower rate of air pollution. The lower density of vehicles means that we can enjoy better air quality and that is something that our lungs will immediately appreciate.

On the other hand, lower levels of noise pollution, the absence of rush hours or the rush to get to places irremediably influence our mood. Goodbye to stress. No crowded shopping malls, traffic noise or crowded subways.

Do you love reading silently? Then the countryside is your ally. Living in the suburbs also means living in tranquility. You will be able to dedicate your time to doing all those things that you couldn't before due to constant interruptions, such as meditating, doing yoga or reading.

In addition, for practical purposes, housing in the suburbs is usually cheaper, so you can afford to live in a house that fits your current space needs. According to a study by the Real Estate Business School, the greatest price opportunities will be found in peripheral neighborhoods and on the outskirts, where there will be much less buying pressure.

More advantages of living in the countryside

On the other hand, living near the countryside is ideal for playing outdoor sports, walking your dog or simply taking a walk through the town to clear your head. You will gain privacy by being surrounded by fewer people and security by living in a quieter area.

As if all this were not enough, we must keep in mind that life in the suburbs is also good for our pocketbooks. And day-to-day life is much cheaper in these areas than in the center of a big city. Buy a home outside the city.

Taking all of the above into account, living in the suburbs can be synonymous with a better quality of life. After all, who wouldn't like to gain health?

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