Protect your home on vacation

The holidays are coming and, with them, trips, dinners, parties, concerts and endless plans that are difficult to resist. This means that we spend more time away from home, something that is usually taken advantage of by lovers of other things to pay us a visit.

At Aliseda Real Estate we want you to be able to enjoy your days off without surprises, which is why we share a series of security tips to protect your home from theft. Below we show you some of the most effective measures.

Smart locks:

One of the main factors to take into account when reinforcing the security of our home is the protection of the entry points, mainly the doors. As we already know, having an armored door will always be better than having a normal one. Even so, over the years techniques have been developed to open even the most secure locks.

But, with the rise of home automation, intelligent systems have been born that increase the security of armored doors. These smart locks are connected to smartphones and keep the owners informed of any movement that occurs inside them.

The best advice is to invest in a good door and a lock of this type, since they are one of the most effective solutions to protect the house in our absence.

Security windows:

Windows generally represent one of the weakest points in our homes through which anyone could gain access. As in the case of locks, there are owners who choose to install bars to cover the windows, but it is a security system that, today, does not guarantee 100% security.

In the search for how to protect your home, we found security windows on the market that are very complicated to flank. These are security windows that go beyond simple reinforced glass and integrate the following elements: security profiles; the frame that covers the window, which must be reinforced with steel; security fittings, which must be impact resistant; and - finally - the safety glass, which must also withstand any type of blow or pressure.

Alarm systems:

A good alarm system protects your home. Not only should you reinforce elements such as locks and windows, it is necessary to have a good alarm system at home.

These alarm systems are accompanied by video cameras connected to the Internet and, therefore, to our smartphones or mobile devices. This allows us to monitor in real time what is happening in our home, wherever we are.

Security cameras will recognize anyone other than us.

Informative sign:

To increase the deterrent power of these security measures, we recommend announcing them with information posters in places in the house visible from the outside. This way, anyone trying to access it will know that you have an alarm and/or cameras.

Ask your neighbors for help:

Another effective measure that helps reinforce security at home is the help of our neighbors. Therefore, we recommend that you inform your most trusted neighbor that you are going on vacation and ask him, during your absence, to empty your mailbox and enter your home from time to time to check that everything is in order, as well as to contribute presence and activity therein.

You can also 'fake' your presence at home when you are away through home automation systems that raise and lower the blinds, turn on the lights or connect the television at certain times throughout the day.

Prepare your home:

Of course it is better to prevent and, therefore, it is also recommended to condition and protect everything at home in case we finally receive a visit from lovers of other people's things. That is, make backup copies on the computer, have the insurance updated, the valuables cataloged and the invoices for these to justify their possible theft.

If you want to know more information, visit our blog and also discover other current news, real estate trends, sustainability ideas, home tips, and location queries. Follow us on social media to stay updated on our products and services.

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