How to keep the swimming pool clean and in good condition.

Pools are the perfect setting to escape the heat during the warmer months of the year, but enjoying these moments requires proper care throughout the entire year. If you also have one at home and want to know how to keep the pool water clean and in good condition, take note of the following tips we provide.

Tips for keeping pool water clean and in good condition

Summer is the time for pool swims. The space that has been more or less neglected during the winter months now needs attention. It's not just about refilling it or making the water look clean and free of leaves; it's about ensuring it is genuinely clean to guarantee the safety of those who will swim in it.

The first step is to analyze the pH levels, but what is it? pH is an indicator of water acidity and alkalinity, and its value should be between 7.2 and 7.6. Only within these values, other disinfectant products will work correctly.

Once the pH level of the water is analyzed, the next step is to add chlorine. Chlorine is the star product for the care and disinfection of any pool. Whether in tablet or powder form, it should be added daily to protect the pool water.

On rainy and windy days, experts recommend applying an extra dose to prevent the water from being contaminated with leaves, insects, and dust carried by weather conditions.

To ensure the safety of people who will swim, it is not recommended to swim immediately after adding chlorine. You should wait a reasonable amount of time for it to take effect and not cause any harm or side effects.

Another product that should not be missing in the care and maintenance of a pool is algae liquid. The presence of algae in the pool is a very common phenomenon detected quickly because the water becomes cloudy and green. To combat the appearance of these organisms, it is recommended to use between 0.5 and 1 liter of this chemical product per 100 cubic meters of water once a week.

Pool water filters

In addition to the steps mentioned above, it is also important to carry out thorough filter maintenance, especially during periods when the pool is more crowded.

Among the most popular filter types on the market are sand filters and cartridge filters. For proper maintenance of sand filters, activate the backwash option and keep it in that position until the water comes out completely clean. Maintaining cartridge filters is even simpler. Just remove it from the purifier and rinse it with plenty of water.

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