How to decorate your room

The meaning of different decoration objects, as well as their order and arrangement, the colors used, or the fabrics of our bedding, constitute important factors to consider for a better rest. Want to know the relationship between your room's decor and restful sleep? We explain it in this article.

Getting a good night's sleep allows us to enjoy good health and start the day in an energetic way. There are different bedroom models and many ways to decorate them based on personal preferences.

So, even though each person has their own personality and way of playing with their bedroom's decor, we will give you the keys to ensure your room is always conducive to rest and how to condition it for that purpose.

Decoration keys for a restful room:

Color selection:

The colors we use in our bedroom are usually a reflection of our personality or way of being.

Warm and soft colors are recommended in our room, as they help relax the nervous system. Among these colors, shades like sand, ivory, light yellow, or blue are predominant.

The color of the furniture should also match the bed. We should avoid mixing too many colors and textures and try to establish a certain harmony between wardrobes, furniture, cushions, curtains, and other elements.

Bed placement:

Another key to enjoying a good rest is how the bed is placed in our room. Ideally, the headboard should be placed on a wall from which windows and doors can be seen. Following this advice, the doors and windows will be on the sides of the bed.


Lighting is another essential factor to achieve the tranquility we seek. Using different types of light will create a special and beautiful touch inside the room.

Ambient light should be direct and, at the same time, very soft so as not to become bothersome. Ideally, place this type of light on bedside tables or on the wall at a comfortable height.

On the other hand, ceiling light is responsible for illuminating the entire bedroom. It can lower its intensity by focusing on the ceiling or wall areas.

Finally, we can also use specific light, which illuminates only something we want to highlight, such as pictures, books, plants, or other decorative elements.


Order in our bedroom, besides providing pleasure, ensures visual rest, so we must try to organize it in the best possible way and always maintain a pattern or routine that allows for easy cleaning and order.

In this sense, ottoman beds are the best allies. They allow us to store our belongings in an orderly manner and out of sight.

We must respect the passage areas and not obstruct them with clothes, shoes, or other elements that hinder us.

Wardrobes, on the other hand, should be located in the corners and, if possible, away from the doors. It is therefore recommended not to use very large furniture so as not to take up much space to decorate the ideal restful room.

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