Benefits of biophilic design

Biophilic design is based on including elements of nature in the construction of buildings and interior design. At Aliseda Inmobiliaria we tell you all the benefits - in addition to improving the aesthetics of your home and increasing people's comfort - of this combination of architecture and design that has become popular in recent years.

The concept was created by biologist Edward O. Wilson and, for him, it literally means: “love of life.” Biophilia is based on contact with nature, essential for human well-being since it is an innate biological connection.

What are the benefits of biophilic design?:

Air quality:

The quality of the air we breathe is a fundamental factor when it comes to avoiding health problems. And placing plants and green spaces in the home in an appropriate way can help to effectively eliminate possible pollutants that coexist in buildings, thus improving air quality and its consequent benefits for each of the residents.

Temperature control:

Another requirement to enjoy good health is defined by the degrees we are under, since an optimal temperature helps us relax and makes it easier for us to achieve a good state of mind.

Plant transpiration increases environmental humidity, which - in turn - reduces temperature and maintains it at ideal levels. This, as we have already mentioned, enhances good humor.

Natural light:

Natural lighting in homes and offices also has a direct relationship with our mood. And it has been shown that this influences our productivity and the quality of our work. Thus, our performance is reinforced with natural light, since the brain is stimulated, attention increases and cognitive functions improve.

In addition, natural light also has positive effects on falling asleep at night. In this sense, it is advisable to opt for skylights, large windows with plants or gardens in offices and homes so that the interiors are filled with light.

Including a natural space with plants in our office invites us to get up from the chair, disconnect for a few minutes and take the necessary breaks. This is both a physical and mental benefit.

Create environmental awareness:

The connection of interior spaces with the landscape and natural environments allows us to raise awareness about the importance of caring for and respecting the environment. Biophilia is based on the theory that the human mind and body developed in a world full of sensory experiences.

According to the latest UN studies, in 2050, 88% of Spain's population will reside in large cities, making it increasingly difficult for people to connect with nature.

Aesthetic consideration:

Converting living, leisure, educational and work spaces into allies of health is, today, a necessity.

Biophilia stands out for characteristic aspects such as the incorporation of colors and elements, such as water, vegetation and natural light, or silhouettes and botanical shapes. This type of design is also responsible for creating spaces that transmit visual, tactile and auditory emotions typical of the natural world and that send a healthy and sustainable message to their occupants.

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